Ariston Psychometric Series
We have designed and implemented the Ariston psychometric series. Our psychometric questionnaires utilize artificial intelligence and the technology of Expert Systems, which have been presented at International Conferences. They are the only psychometric tests worldwide that extend John Holland's theory, quantifying 14 additional subtypes for each of Holland's 6 types. They are the only psychometric tests in Greece that were evaluated and commented on by John Holland himself as follows: «Ariston is the best application of my theory I have seen so far».
The findings of this array help parents to get to know the personality of their children, to explain their behavior, to determine the underlying learning types, to identify any learning difficulties, and to see how knowledge should be transmitted to children in order to learn faster and more efficiently.

Learning Styles
Brain Hemispheres - Types of Learning - Learning Abilities (school students, middle school and high school)
This test is an expert system for analysis and quantification capabilities of students in relation to a) brain hemispheres, b) types of learning, c) learning abilities - skills.
Ariston test is an innovative expert system for Vocational Guidance that investigates personality, aptitudes, abilities, skills and interests of each individual and identify the occupations that fit and also the corresponding portion of the Greek education system (universities, technical colleges) . Based on the above data, the children can decide which university and profession can follow to ensure a successful career

Often the athletic performance in the game is below expectations of the athlete in relation the biological skills and training he has done. Most times the difference is due to psychological factors.
Athletes have the opportunity to improve their performance through psychological support in order to change the way they deal with training, competition environment, failure, success, difficulties and a number of other factors that affect their psychology.
This array is addressed to adults who wish to improve their personality, to discover additional features that might have, but they do not know, and to ascertain the degree of compatibility with their families (partners, friends, children, etc.).
Also it is addressed to unemployed that are looking for alternative work environments and workers who wish to reorient their career and professional activity in general.

At a time when the map of professions is adjusting rapidly as new technologies are developed in the labor market by imposing the fragmentation of knowledge and the increasing demands for skilled, we do realize the need for rational staffing companies, both in public and on private sectors, with skilled and well-trained specialized staff.

Administration & Counseling
A trained and certified consultant will choose the most suitable questionnaires for you, depending on your needs and goals. They will clearly explain the instructions for completing the tests and will be available to provide you with all the necessary assistance you need. In addition to the personalized reports and results of Ariston's expert artificial intelligence system, specially trained consultants can then present you in detail - in individual sessions, either online or live - the report with the results of your test and explain it to you in depth your psychometric evaluations.